Lightgallery options
Lightgallery options


If you want to use lightGallery with WP native shortcode make sure to use it with the option link="file".Make sure you are using the correct markup and the appropriate initialization for your galleries.Select in which post_types and taxonomies you want the lightGallery to be loaded.Double-click/Double-tap to see actual size of the image.Modular architecture with built in plugins.Some of lightGallery core features ( taken from lightGallery officialy site) In Settings > Simple lightGallery you can find several options to control in which parts of your site the lightGallery will be loaded. lightGallery is a lightweight, modular, JavaScript library for creating beautiful image & video galleries for the web and the mobile Features $(document).An easy way to integrate either v1 or v2 of lightGallery javascript to WordPress. Initialize the gallery lightbox with default settings. data-pinterest-text: Description for Pinterest postĤ.By default, current browser URL will be taken. Specify only if you want to provide separate share URL for the specific slide. data-pinterest-share-url: Pinterest share GooglePlus share URL. lightgallery A lightweight, customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin for twitter-share-url: Twitter share Facebook share URL.used in zoom plugin to see the actual size of the image when you doubleclick on the image. data-width: Actual size of the image in px.


Pass false if you want to hide the download button.

  • data-download-url: Download url for your image/video.
  • data-iframe: Set true is you want to open your url in an iframe.
  • Lightgallery core settings > Loop Change thumbnails dimensions. Lightgallery core settings > Download Disable loop.

    lightgallery options

    Lightgallery core settings > Transition Disable download button.

    lightgallery options

    data-responsive: List of images and viewport's max width separated by comma.Ex: img/1-375.jpg 375, img/1-480.jpg 480, img/1-757.jpg 757. All the lightgallery behavior can be customized here, on the style options, here are some of the functionalities: Change the animation Poster image for your video Core options of lightGallery Default example HTML structure Script Video gallery HTML structure Position the play button with CSS Script Video id or class name of an object(div) which contain your html.For other LightGallery options use pluginOptions, see.

    lightgallery options


  • data-sub-html-url: url of the file which contain your sub html. To add plugins just add their name to the plugins option plugins >lgZoom, see the full list.
  • data-sub-html: id or class name of an object(div) which contain your sub html.
  • href: the large version of your image/video.
  • data-src: the large version of your image/video.
  • Create an image/video gallery with Html5 data-* attributes. Or load the core JavaScript and optional extensions of your choice in the document. Load the latest version of jQuery library together with jQuery lightGallery plugin's CSS and javascript in the document. You also get a full working lightgallery implementation on all your slider images starting from Gutenslider 5.4.0.
  • Arrows, thumbnails and keyboard navigation.
  • Supports youtube & vimeo videos, not just images.
  • The Vanilla JavaScript Version is available here. Light Gallery is a lightweight, elegant, responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery JavaScript plugin for displaying an image/ video gallery in a fullscreen lightbox with CSS3 transition effects.

    Lightgallery options